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Dates Harvest Season


The Beginning of Dates Harvest Season in Iran

Dates production is a world agricultural industry producing about 4.7 million tons of fruit in 1997 (FAO, 1998). The date fruit, which is produced largely in the hot arid regions of southern Asia, is marketed all over the world as a high value confectionary or fruit, and remains an extremely important subsistence crop in most of the dessert regions.

Dates are generally considered to be hot arid fruit and play an important role in the basket of hot arid countries production. Having a hot arid weather, Iran has long had a proper climatical condition for growing dates so that a large global portion of production of the dates is devoted to Iran. Dates categories count to more than 400 types, out of which 70 types are raised in Iran. Iranian farms yield best quality dates so many countries from all around the world provide dates from Iran.

The Duration of the Harvest Season in Iran

Due to different weather conditions that every type of date requires to plant, different types are raised in different regions. Summer is the harvest season for dates in Iran and August is the peak of its harvest. The harvest season of dates starts in August with Al-Mehtari dates in Hormozgan province and ends with Piarom dates in Haji Abad in October. And the fruit will be available on the market, as soon as it is mechanically or handpicked.

the Development of dates

Whole dates are harvested and marketed at three stages of their development. The choice for harvesting at one or another stage depends on varietal characteristics, climatological conditions and market demand. The three stages are as follows:

1. Khalal: Physiological mature, hard and crisp, moisture content: 50 – 85 %, bright yellow or red in color, perishable;

2. Rutab: Partially browned, reduced moisture content (30 – 45 %), fibers softened, perishable;

3. Tamar (dates): Color from amber to dark brown, moisture content further reduced (below 25 % down to 10% and less), texture from soft pliable to fi rm to hard, protected from insects it can be kept without special precautions over longer periods.

In general, when dates reach the Khalal stage, they are regarded to be ready for trading as “fresh” fruit. Dates in Khalal stage are the first in the harvesting season and therefore have are ready for marketing. Only date varieties with a low amount of tannin at Khalal stage are suitable for consumption. The low amount of tannin results in low astringency. Furthermore, it is important that the fruit is sweet and not bitter.

The Shelf Life of Dates

While describing the process which the fruit undergoes in the packing house,  emphasis is given to the various aspects of quality control, mandatory in high quality products. The shelf life of different dates types are not exactly the same. First and foremost, compared to other fruits, dates last for quite a long time. Under proper conditions, dates last for at least more than a year.

export of Dates

Thanks to the developments in the processing of foodstuff, the process of exporting dates to different countries is developing. The production of the derivative products from dates (such as chopped dates, dates honey, dates paste, dates liquid sugar, dates vinegar, dates syrup, dates soda drink extract, dates chocolate, breakfast dates chocolate, dates halwa, and dates fruit leather) has led to creation of a significant and marketable potential in both internal and external markets.

Palm dates are among the strategic agricultural Productions especially in the southern provinces and due to the high level of employment and currency bringing it leads to, it has a valued position in the non-oil export of the country. This year, Iran is ready to export tons of dates to countries all around the world. Our company would be cheerful to provide different kinds of fresh dates as well as date palm products in different qualities under flexible terms.

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