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Healthy Lifestyle
Dates Milk Smoothie

Dates milk smoothie for boosting your immune system: a good choice in summer

Dates milk smoothie for boosting your immune system: a good choice in summer

Dates milk smoothie is among the most nutritious drinks which will enjoy added benefits of both milk and dates. When mixed with bananas. Smoothies are made from a mixture of several fresh or frozen fruit that are pureed. Smoothies can replace a meal since they might make you fill stuffed for a long time. They are strongly recommended for athletes. honey or sugar might be used as sweeteners, and for extra benefits you can add different nuts. dates milk smoothie is One of the most delicious and nutritious smoothies which is low in calories and high in anti-oxidant since it contains dates. It is also good for the functioning of the heart. Today in BENIA we will offer you a recipe for a tasty dates milk smoothie. So, stay tuned.

Ingredients for making dates milk smoothie

2 Bananas

5 pitted Dates

2 teaspoon Coconut powder

2 teaspoon Peanut butter

 teaspoon Cinnamon powder

2 cup Milk

First step

put the Bananas in the fridge. Remove the seed of dates and put the flesh in the mixer. When frozen, add the bananas and mix it with the dates flesh.

Second step

In this step add the coconut powder, walnut and cinnamon powder to the mixture and mix for a few seconds to make it unmixed. Then add the peanut butter and mix it again.

Third step

once the smoothie is ready, pour it into two large glasses, and design it with coconut and pistachio powder and seasonal fruits. Then put it in the fridge until the time it will be served.

Fourth step

If there is no mixer or food maker available, you can grate the frozen bananas and smash the date flesh with a masher. After that add other ingredients and mix with a hand mixer or a spoon to make it unmixed.

Key points in preparing dates milk smoothie

In order to make it more nutritious you can use almond milk instead of milk.

If you would like to be a little darker in color, you can add some cocoa powder to the mixture.

These ingredients make about two big glasses of smoothie.

If mixed with oleaster powder, it will be very useful for the stomach.

It takes about 10 minutes to prepare the smoothie.

It can be served as breakfast, snack or dessert

Complementary notes on dates milk smoothie

Milk is a favorite drink for many who serve it specially in breakfast. Drinking milk starts with infancy and lasts for a lifetime. Some people add some dates to their milk which not only makes it tastier but also puts together the benefits of drinking milk and dates.

The mixture was first recognized to be a diet habit of people of India. They believed the mixture of milk and dates to be a good way to boost physical energy and power, since they are both rich in necessary vitamins and minerals for maintaining the physical health. Therefore, dates milk turned to a traditional drink in the Indian subcontinent countries. Here is a thorough explanation of the benefits of dates milk for your health.

Benefits of dates milk

  1. A source of calcium: it is crystal clear that milk is the best source of calcium. Th same is true about dates. When mixed together they help keep the balance of calcium level in the body.
  2. Rapid elevation of energy: using dates milk can rapidly increase the energy level in your body, so it’s a good way to avoid disease. The calories present in this mixture are effective in quick recovery from diseases.
  3. Gaining weight: it is an excellent way to gain weight. If you are looking for a way to gain some kilos of weight you can use this smoothie. Moreover, the mixture helps the fat in your body to be optimally absorbed and formed.
  4. Filling of being stuffed: It helps you remove the feeling of hunger in your stomach. Yet, those alergetic to dairy products must be alert about the negative effects of milk on their stomate.
  5. The optimum absorption of calories in your body: Placing dates milk in your breakfast can help calories be better absorbed in your body, so its one of the best ways to control weight and add more nutrients to the body.
  6. Strengthening the heart: one of the benefits of drinking dates milk for body health is keeping the heart strength and avoiding heart disease. Therefor it can reduce the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular closure.
  7. Help the growth of muscles: the mixture is a good source of vitamin B so it helps both the growth of muscles and absorption of proteins.
  8. A source of minerals: dates milk is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, etc. these minerals help keep the health of hormones the metabolism of the body, and are counted to be a good option for keeping the general physical health
  9. Keeping the nervous system healthy: the vitamin B in dates milk is also effective in maintaining the health of the nervous system.
  10. Prevention for anemia: using milk and dates at the same time, will burn the extra calories in the food that we receive, provide the required energy for the body, and enhance the metabolism of your body.
  11. Improve the digestive system: both dates and milk contain substantial amounts of fiber. Fiber improves the bowel movements and accelerates food digestion.
  12. Improving the eye sight: the vitamin B in dates milk is useful in improving the eyesight and prevents from eye disease such as cataracts and glaucoma.
  13. Maintaining skin, hair and teeth health: it prevents from skin wrinkles, teeth decay and hair fall, it also helps in hair growth and curing skin inflammation. The drink makes the skin soft and bright and strengthens the hair root
  14. Prevention from osteoporosis: calcium is a major mineral in keeping the bones healthy. Dates milk strengthens bones and prevents from potential breakage in bones
  15. Improving brain functioning: milk dates smoothie increases protein level in the brain and prevents from memory weakness or memory loss in old ages.

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